
November 17, 2015
ILRNHA Supports Gov Rauner on Syrian Refugees Decision

The Executive Board and members of the Illinois Republican National Hispanic Assembly (ILRNHA) support Governor Bruce Rauner’s decision to temporarily suspend accepting new Syrian refugees into IL. A decision he made after the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Today …

July 6, 2015
Adryana Boyne celebrates with George W. Bush on his Birthday!

Former RNHA Leader and a guest speaker at the last National Convention held in Chicago and hosted by Illinois RNHA team under John Guevera celebtating with George Bush on his Birthday. Adryana Boyne is no Hispanic newcomer to the Republican …

June 30, 2015
Governor’s Office The Governor’s Office News page provides access to all press releases from the Gov

06/12/2015 - Administration Initiates Additional Management Steps to Prepare for Madigan-Cullerton BudgetSteps to Save Additional $420 Million Cancel Funding for Legislative Earmarks Freeze Non-Transportation Capital Projects 06/02/2015 - Administration Initiates Management Steps to Prepare for Madigan-Cullerton BudgetInitial Steps to Save …

May 31, 2015
Chicago Mexican Mayoral Candidate Loses To Rahm But Gains Ground Against the” Machine”.
Chicago Mexican Mayoral Candidate Loses To Rahm But Gains Ground Against the” Machine”.

Yes, "Chuy" Garcia lost the questionable Chicago Mayoral race, but independents gained huge influence and will be taken more seriously in upcoming elections in Cook County.Before election Day, Chuy inspired many Democrats and Indepenedents to take up the sword against …

April 11, 2015
53rd Annual Spring Gala for Lake County Republican Federation

Join South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as the keynote speaker at the 53rd Annual Spring Gala Fundraiser for the Lake County Republican Federation . Cocktails at 5:00 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $250 for …

February 14, 2015
Contact your Congressman on this Site!

December 22, 2014
The American Dream by Deb Leticia Gordils

The American Dream by Deb Leticia Gordils May 26th , 2014 The American Dream Cannot be diminished, it is known through out the worldMany wish for it and die never attaining it but pass it on to new generations.....Lose not faith, …

December 22, 2014
Unions now regret OBAMACARE..

Unions now regret OBAMACARE....but will union members now vote for Republicans..... More Union ObamaCare Angst  Once ObamaCare's Biggest Cheerleaders, Union Regrets And Concerns Are Widespread OBAMACARE IS CAUSING FRICTION BETWEEN UNIONS AND EMPLOYERS Higher Health Care Costs Are Steering Contract …

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