
Join Walsh Freedom on July 12, 2015
Posted July 05, 2015 by Deb L Gordils
Join Walsh Freedom on July 12, 2015

During the last few weeks, it’s become clearer than ever — freedom is under attack. It’s being attacked by an activist Supreme Court that has redefined marriage and saved Obamacare … again. Progressives continue to push the idea that race and gender are subjective, constructed realities. Activists are painting brave police officers as racist thugs. The media has become fixated on blaming flags and guns for the violent behavior of a disturbed young man in South Carolina. Everywhere you look, someone is trying to convince you that up is down and that right is wrong. If you’re a defender of freedom, it might feel pretty lonely out there, right now. But you’re not alone. There are millions of Americans, just like you, who are watching this nation crumble around them, and just like you, they are ready to fight back. Join us on Sunday, July 12, from 2-4pm for “You’re Not Alone: Freedom Fights Back” at the Diplomat West Banquet Hall in Elmhurst (681 W. North Ave.). - See more at:



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