Cook County GOP Chair Del Mar Congratulates New Cook County RNHA Chair
It's the IL RNHA's pleasure to have the support of Cook County GOP Chairman Aaron Del Mar. "The 2012 elections proved that reaching Latino voters is a necessary part of a strategy for Republicans to win elections in Cook County …
ILRNHA Elects New Executive Committee; State Senator Kirk Dillard Congratulates ILRNHA
ELGIN, IL - The Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Illinois (IL RNHA) elected its new Executive Committee at its Biennial Convention on Saturday, January 26, 2013 in Elgin, Illinois. In addition, by unanimous voice vote, the membership elected two members …
Kane County GOP Chair Wojnicki Welcomes New Kane County RNHA Chair
"The Kane County Republican Organization is proud to welcome Margarita Mendoza as the newly elected chairwoman of the RNHA of Kane County,” says Barbara Wojnicki, Chairwoman of the Kane County GOP. “We are fortunate to have Margarita share her talents …
IL RNHA Operation Fast & Furious Resolution
We, the Members of the Illinois Republican National Hispanic Assembly, recognize the sufferings of many of the Mexican people in their everyday pains, anguishes and anxieties through no fault of their own in today’s times. Notwithstanding, we as Hispanic Republicans …
IL RNHA Supports Amending Election Code to Require Voter ID
We've all heard the stories of the dead voting for JFK in the razor thin election of 1960. And we've heard stories since of phantom voters in Florida and Ohio and Milwaukee voting in multiple precincts. So what's so wrong …
New DuPage County RNHA Chapter
The IL RNHA would like to congratulate Eligio Marin, the new Chairman of the DuPage County chapter of the RNHA. “I am honored to receive the trust to lead the DuPage County RNHA Chapter,” said Marin. “Our nation is facing …
IL RNHA Releases Statement Supporting Passage of the School Choice Act
Education is the silver bullet. Education is everything. And Illinois has tried every bureaucratic avenue available to it, spent far and away more money on our students in our public schools than ever before; yet, our performance rates are suffering, …
IL RNHA Releases Statement Supporting Passage of Family & Personal Protection Act - Concealed Carry
Illinois is one of only 2 states that do not allow its citizens to carry a concealed handgun for their own personal protection. That's correct. 48 states have approved of your right to carry a concealed handgun in one way …
RNHA IL Congratulates New American Conservative Union Chairman, Alberto Cardenas
The RNHA IL wants to congratulate Alberto Cardenas on his election as Chairman of the American Conservative Union. Mr. Cardenas is the first new chairman elected to the ACU in over 25 years, and the first Hispanic elected to lead …
A message from Alci Maldonado, RNHA National Chair
"Congratulations on your re-election Rafael!On behalf of the RNHA National Executive Board, we congratulate the new RNHA of Illinois Executive Board and all of us look forward to working with you to help expand the conservative Hispanic American Republican base …