Chicago Mexican Mayoral Candidate Loses To Rahm But Gains Ground Against the” Machine”.
Yes, "Chuy" Garcia lost the questionable Chicago Mayoral race, but independents gained huge influence and will be taken more seriously in upcoming elections in Cook County.Before election Day, Chuy inspired many Democrats and Indepenedents to take up the sword against their own Democrat Party, specifically the entrenched Chicago "Machine" who they interestingly entangled. Chuys Independents did not fully understand who the machine members are nor how they operate and so tho Chuy came close his team did not understand how to win. The good news is that Chuy managed to send the machine a clear message that times are changing and that the voters are rumbling for a new Chicago. Many of the Independent 80 plus campaign teams of those who ran against their own Democrat party are gearing up to run again, some as early as 2016 in the upcoming Primary. It seems now Republicans will get some help in Chicago from disenchanted Democrats who have nowhere else to turn to for help except the members of the GOP.
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