Adryana Boyne celebrates with George W. Bush on his Birthday!
Former RNHA Leader and a guest speaker at the last National Convention held in Chicago and hosted by Illinois RNHA team under John Guevera celebtating with George Bush on his Birthday. Adryana Boyne is no Hispanic newcomer to the Republican Party. She has been involved in both State Leadership and National discussions for many years. I have had the good fortune to have interviewd her many times on numerous topics involving her work with both True The Vote and Latino Initiatives. She is well respected and I was not surprised to see her in a photo with Former President Bush. She is also a family friend of Ted Cruz and she and I shared a podium a few years back with Ted Cruz father Rafael Cruz in Washington DC. I am glad to see she is still keeping herbusy schedule. Adryana , had this to say about her visit with the former President. " I admire and respect george W. Bush tremendously as do many of my family and friends. (Yo admiro, respeto y quiero mucho a George W. Bush y también mi familia y muchos amigos)"
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